My Exotic Bengal Cat "Blackjack"

Have you ever seen a Bengal cat? No, not a Bengal Tiger, I'm talking about an exotic housecat that is part Asian Leopard and part domestic cat. The breed is called a "Bengal" and I want to share my experiences with owning one. I've named him Blackjack, and he's about 11 years old now (60 in human years). He even has spots (rosettes) like his wild ancestors. I adopted him when he was a tiny kitten - just a few weeks old and no bigger than a minute. Now he weighs in at 20 lbs. and is quite large. He hangs over the sides when he sits in my lap. I've had pet cats ever since I was a child, but Blackjack is not like the others. It has been such a joy owning him, I can't imagine having any other pet.
If you're a cat person, you know each cat has a unique personality. Blackjack is no exception. He is incredibly smart, intuitive, and very talkative. If there's one thing I have learned about owning a Bengal, they're not your average housecat. Blackjack knows how to open every cupboard and closet door in the house. Bi-fold doors - no problem. He knows to pull out the middle of the door, then push it aside. When I come home from work, sometimes it's like I have ghosts because every kitchen cupboard and closet door in the house is wide open. I've seen him on his hind legs trying to turn the door knob on the front door, or trying to turn on the sink. He watches me and learns - animals are pretty smart! He's not as mischievous in his older age, but when he was younger he was quite a handful.
If you do a google search for Bengal cats, you'll find a lot of information out there. YouTube has numerous videos of these cats in action. Check out the ones where they are in water. Yes, this breed doesn't mind getting wet! People have filmed them in the bathtub, laying (or floating) in the the shower with the water on, or putting their heads under running water. Oh, and one other thing about owning a Bengal - they are loud and frequent talkers. This is a trait any Bengal owner can attest to. These cats will hold a conversation with you - be forewarned! If a lot of meowing annoys you, this is not the breed for you. I can't count how many times I've been on the phone and had the other person ask if I had a baby in the house. They have quite a vocabulary. Blackjack sounds like Chewbacca when he wants my attention.
Bengals do like attention and will want your attention all the time. It did take some getting used to a large 20 lb. cat sleeping in the bed, though. Don't worry, the female Bengals are smaller if the thought of a big cat concerns you. You'll become attached, and they'll be very attached to you. They are very affectionate and I hear they are great around kids. If you like cats and you're thinking of getting a Bengal, it'll be the best feline experience you'll ever have!

More pictures of Blackjack and his wildlife groupies

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